What Is Counseling

Patient counseling is a procedure whereby a health care professional explains in detail about the medical condition suffered by the patient. This helps to reinforce the attitude of the patient to take proper measures for a quick recovery. This is particularly important in cases of chronic diseases that have a long duration.

Psychotherapy (also called talk therapy) is a type of treatment that addresses troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It usually occurs when a person meets with a mental health professional one-on-one or in a group. Many different psychotherapies have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of certain disorders. The approach used may vary depending on the therapist’s training and experience, as well as the disorder being treated. Some psychotherapies are evidence-based, meaning that they have been proven to reduce symptoms in large numbers of people.

Counseling is a collaborative process between counselor and client that seeks to improve communication and coping skills; promote behavior change and overall wellness; and enhance quality of life. A wide range of problems can be addressed through counseling, including stress and anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, parenting challenges, work-related issues, and self-esteem.

A wide variety of professionals provide psychotherapy, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and counselors. Some offer telehealth services, which are a combination of face-to-face and telephone or video conferencing contact. NIMH’s Help for Mental Illnesses webpage lists resources to find a provider, including websites that list therapists’ credentials and information about their specialties. You can also ask your health insurance provider about a list of providers who are covered by your plan. Red light Therapy

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