20 Foods You Should Never Store In A Fridge

If you used to put all the food you bought right to the fridge shelves that’s some information for you. Do you know there are some products that don’t need any cooling to stay fresh? Moreover, some of them can be spoilt at once being stored in a refrigerator. What are they? Let’s get through it.

  • Potatoes and yam – At low temperatures, the starch in the tubers quickly turns into sugar, which causes rotting. The sweet potatoes become too hard when cooled and lose their taste. So it is better to keep both them and potatoes in a basket.
  • Bananas are also better to keep in the warmth. Unripe bananas best ripen in the heat, in the refrigerator this process slows down.
  • Onions in the fridge can become soft and covered with fungus.
  • Honey in the cool air of the refrigerator can thicken and it could be difficult to use it when cooking.
  • Melon and watermelon both are better to store outside the fridge. But if you cut them, wrap them with food polyethylene and put in the refrigerator.
  • Citruses. In the refrigerator, they deteriorate, the flesh becomes tasteless, and spots appear on the peel. It is better to let them decorate the kitchen in a vase or on a dish.
  • As usual, avocados on the market’s shelves are unripe. But in the fridge, they won’t ripen for a long time.
  • Pears are also sold immature, and they are made tasty after two days at room temperature. In the refrigerator, this process slows down a lot. Pears should be stored in a cool dry place.
  • Olive oil as all other sorts of oil production can harden, making it difficult to use.
  • Garlic. Put it in the fridge as a decoration only: the cold accelerates the sprouting of the heads, while the teeth become soft and tasteless. Garlic should also be stored at room temperature.
  • Coffee beans or ground coffee. You should not put it in the refrigerator, much less in the freezer. The cold keeps the coffee fresh but spoils its taste when the coffee bag is put in the refrigerator several times and taken out. The only exception is when a lot of coffee is bought and you need to save it. In this case, it can be frozen before use.
  • Tomatoes are afraid of the chill. You can have fresh tomatoes at home in one way: buy a little and then eat or cook. And cold storage spoils their taste.
  • Basil is also not good to keep in a fridge. Firstly it absorbs the smell of other products from the refrigerator, and secondly, it quickly fades there. It should be stored like a bouquet of flowers, put in a glass of water.
  • Pickled vegetables. In the refrigerator, they do not deteriorate, but they simply take up space. Fermentation of vegetables kills germs itself and this method was used to preserve the crop long before the invention of the refrigerator.
  • Chocolate in the fridge loses its taste. It’s enough to keep it dry and cool.
  • Apples are perfectly stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. But for longer storage can be put in the refrigerator.
  • Cheese with a strong smell. It is enough to put it in a cool place in the apartment. You can put a piece of such cheese on a marble slab in the kitchen, packed in an airtight container.
  • Bread. In the refrigerator, its freshness is not preserved, on the contrary, it hardens faster.
  • Ketchup and mustard. They contain naturally occurring acids that inhibit the growth of microbes, so storing them in the refrigerator is unnecessary, although it does not spoil these products. Outside the refrigerator, they are well preserved for a month after opening the package.
  • Carrot. Its shelf life, in any case, is not long, but in the cold carrot rots even faster. Sunlight is also harmful to that veggie, so carrots should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place.

   Don’t ignore that list and keep your food fresh with or without a fridge. refurbished rv refrigerators

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