File transfer is the process of copying or moving a logical data object between systems over a network and/or Internet connection. The most common file transfer methods are FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
Other popular options for transferring files include NAS devices and cloud storage providers. Many of these services allow users to upload and download files of unlimited sizes, provided they have enough space available on the storage device.
While these methods are simple and relatively inexpensive, they often put data at risk of hackers and can expose an organization to other security risks. Organizations that need to send and receive large files on a regular basis need better security solutions than these consumer-grade technologies can offer.
One option to consider is secure SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). This file transfer technology offers an extra layer of security by encrypting files and encoding sensitive information in the protocol, allowing organizations to protect their data from cyberattacks.
Another important factor when transferring files is the speed at which they can be read and written. The speed at which a file can be transferred is determined by the size and complexity of the data as well as the overall network environment. For example, the speed at which a file can be transferred to an external hard drive is much higher than the speed at which it can be transferred to a computer’s internal disk.
The best way to test the speed of your transfer is to use a data transfer calculator. Start by converting the transfer time in minutes into seconds, then divide the number of seconds by the data transfer rate. For example, if you transfer 134 GB in two minutes at 7 MB/s, the total transfer time will be equal to 2 * 60 = 120 seconds. Share Links